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We want to take a moment to extend a very warm welcome to everyone who's visiting us for the first time this morning. Whether you're just having a look, or are searching out for a place to worship, we're delighted to have you here.
To give you some idea of what we're all about, I'll quickly sketch some of our foundational beliefs.
So firstly, we're all about Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus was who he said he was, the Son of God who came and died for our sins. So if this is your first time in church, we hope that get to know Him as we do, because He's truly what life is all about for us!
Secondly we're all about people. Every person who walks through our doors is important to us, so if you ever feel like just another number, we're doing something wrong and I give you permission to tell me about it.
As a group of God's people we care about you and your family and we're here not only to feed you spiritually, but to help in any way we can. We love doing it and it's why we exist!
Thirdly, we're all about relationships. We hope to cultivate and grow meaningful and positive relationships between another, but also go further by getting and growing in relationship with God. Christianity is all about a Person, and less about a set of rules. That means that we exist to be in a relationship with Someone, that's Jesus, and merely not to obey a religion.
So on behalf of the New Life Missionary Baptist Church and Pastor Dewayne Douglas, Welcome!!!!
# Family
# Faith
# Fellowship


10. Pray

 What should be the most easy of all things to do, is one we all avoid. Prayer, at the mention of this word some of us come up with excuses: I’m too busy to pray, Um I’m relaxing right now, or even I don’t have the time to pray. We have to look at what prayer is; us communicating with God. Your prayer can last 12 seconds or even 1 hour, as long as you have a heartfelt encounter with him.

9. Forgive

 When someone harms us or does us wrong we tend to harbor that resentment and we vow not to forgive them. This is bad for us physically, mentally, and spiritually. With this unforgiving attitude that we have tends to make us think God is the same. If we learn to forgive there we will see God. We lowly beings who are prideful, sinful, and wretched forgive each other. With this we see how great the Love of God is, he who is perfect to forgives us. When we see this everything changes. We start to see God as a loving Father whom we can approach.

8. Contemplate

 In this busy world we oftentimes forget to look around us and see the beauty of creation. Let us step back and contemplate it. Look at God’s creation! See how he put everything in place for us. Take a step back and contemplate his mercy, love, and goodness. Here you’ll see that he is not some impersonal God, he is a God he interacts with his creation. Again here we see that he is loving and that we should not fear approaching him at all.

7. Do not forget he exists.

 In my everyday life I often forget that there is a God. I have to much on my mind on those days and the only time I pray is when I have a test and I remember he’s there. Do not make the same mistake as I, all throughout your day be mindful that he is there. Pray or even give him glory with what you do. Know that he is there and that he will never leave you. That he notices all of his creation and that he is not an impersonal God!

6. Read about the life of a saint.

 For those of you who like to read, read about a saint. See how they grew closer to God. Find a saint whom you have much in common with. You will see that there were times when they failed, but always turned back to the Lord. Know that even this champions of the faith sometimes felt the same way as we do.

 Aspire to be like them, copy some of the things they did to get closer to God. Know that anyone can approach the Lord even amidst many sins, just ask St Augustine!

5. Go to confession

 Shame is what holds us back, the shame of our sin makes us feel unworthy, and tells us that God won’t forgive us. Guess what? He does forgive! He left us a Sacrament where he shows his mercy. The Sacrament of Confession; us reconciling with him. Don’t let the enemy hold you back. Turn back to God in this Sacrament. Where all your sins are forgiven and God’s grace defeats sin.

4. Open up and actually want a relationship with him.

 If you want to get closer to God, it is 100% on you. God has already done his part; he has made many ways for you to get closer to him. Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk! It is a commitment yes there will be hardships, trials, and pain. While trying to get closer to God, but if you want to get closer to him, you have to really want it! Open up to him and accept what he wants of you.

3. Read the Bible.

 Oh no what did I just write down, read the Bible?! Yes, I did write that, read the word of God. See his mercy and compassion throughout the Bible. Yes, you will also encounter parts where he delivers justice as the sovereign God he is. Read the Bible and see God’s plan of salvation beginning in Genesis through Revelations. Read the Gospels and see how God came down to free us and showed us that we can approach him.

2. Go to church

 Yes, that place full of hypocritical people who aren’t perfect, but are there to change. Go to the liturgy where the Eternal Sacrifice is offered. Where you will receive Jesus’s: body, blood, soul, and divinity. Remember the Church is a hospital for sinners, yes there will be people there who are hypocrites. Instead of judging them, pray for them. Pray that they may see that they aren’t changing and that they may change.

1. Get closer to the Eucharistic.

 Where Jesus is physically present under the appearance of bread and wine. Their practice all the steps mentioned above and ask him to guide you. Lay all your problems before him, cry if you have to! Let no one stand in your way. Acknowledge that he is there for you, he has been waiting for that day. Where you would come and seek him. He is ready to heal and make you anew.

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Pastor Dewayne Douglas

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Woman with Bible


Committed to Spiritual Enlightenment

Faith. Passion. Community. Worship. These are the cornerstones behind New Life Missionary Baptist Church, and we approach each day with these in mind.  Our Church was established on the ideals of giving everyone a chance to learn, grow, and define their own religious identity through worship. Becoming a church member means joining a family who, each day, are devoted to expressing their love of God.



Tuesday: 6:30PM-8:30PM​​

​Sunday School 9:30AM

Sunday Worship 10:45AM


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